몇일전 PMSOL이 발표된 후 혜택받은 물맑은 출신 고객님 – 기쁨입니다^^ | |||||||||||||||
오늘 NSW 주정부로부터 Developer Programmer 지원한 제 고객님이 NSW Nomination을 신청하라고 하는 메일을 공유해 드립니다. (개인정보 제거 후) 영어성적 IELTS 기준 8.0 x 4 호주에서 현재 Developer Programmer로 근무중 (기술심사 통과 잘 함) 잽빨리 EOI 제출후 2개월 3주 쯤 되어 Nomination 신청 초대를 받은 케이스. 2020년 10월 6일 이나 되어야 할까 싶었는데 15번째에 Developer Programmer가 포함되어 있어서 혹시나 했는데 이렇게 좋은 소식을 받았습니다. 오늘이 금요일이지만 몇가지 추가 서류만 준비가 되면 주말에도 일을 해서 한시라도 빨리 접수해 드릴 것입니다.
기다리는 분들에게 모두 희망이 있길 바라면서…
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 RMA (0208335) 신순철
Last Update: 2020년 9월 11일
———— 아래내용은 개인 정보를 제외한 이메일 ——————-
From: notifications@digitalservices.dpie.nsw.gov.au [mailto:notifications@digitalservices.dpie.nsw.gov.au]
Please DO NOT reply to this email directly Emails to this email address will NOT be read 2020-09-11 Invitation to apply for NSW nomination Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)
Dear *ong, Congratulations! We are pleased to invite you to apply for NSW nomination for the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190). This invitation is valid for 14 days from the date of this email.
Important information about your invitation
Before you submit your application, you must ensure all the information in your EOI, particularly the points you have claimed, is correct. You must provide evidence along with your application to show you were eligible for all claims in your EOI on the date of this invitation email. You should not submit an application if the information in your EOI is incorrect and this affects your points claims. If this is the case, please contact us and we will advise if you can submit your application. The selection process to invite candidates to apply for NSW nomination is very competitive. If you overstated the points claims in your EOI, and either make different claims in your application or change the claims in your EOI after receiving this invitation, your application will likely be declined.
Occupations with an additional requirement Some occupations are now subject to an additional requirement for nomination by NSW. This requirement is to be currently residing in NSW, and to have been employed in NSW for at least one year, in your nominated occupation. Occupations with this additional requirement are indicated on the NSW 190 Priority Skilled Occupation List. Please refer to the NSW 190 Priority Skilled Occupation List before submitting your application to check whether this additional requirement applies to you. If your occupation is subject to this additional requirement, and you do not meet the requirement at the time of this invitation email, do not submit an application for NSW nomination. You will need to create a new EOI ensuring the information entered is accurate to be invited in a future invitation round. A future invitation is not guaranteed. Please see our frequently asked questions website for further information, including the documents required to demonstrate that you meet this requirement.
Demonstrating where you reside We have invited you to apply for NSW nomination on the basis of where your EOI indicates that you reside. Please see our frequently asked questions website for further information, including the documents required to demonstrate your place of residence.
How to submit your application To accept this invitation and apply for NSW nomination, please complete the NSW nomination application form through the following link within 14 days of the date of this email.
When you submit your application, please make sure that you:
For detailed instructions on completing the application, please refer to our website.
You have attempted to submit the application form and received a message stating “you have just tried to access the application form for NSW nomination for the subclass 190 visa”. This is because the total file size of your supporting documents exceeds 10 MB, or you have submitted too many individual documents. Please access the link in this email again and reduce the total size of the documents you attach to your application. Please only submit the minimum number of documents necessary to support the points claim in your EOI. If further documents are required, we will contact you when we are assessing your application.
If you have submitted your application successfully, receiving an acknowledgement email, but you were not able to make payment for your application, we will send you and email with a link to make payment. We will send this to the email address provided in your application within five business days. Please wait to receive the new payment link and do not contact our office.
After you have applied Once you have successfully submitted your application, you will receive a system generated acknowledgement email. The email will contain some more information about what to expect next. You will also receive a separate payment receipt for your payment of the application fee. Thank you for your interest in migrating to NSW, we look forward to receiving your application. Kind regards Business & Skilled Migration |