물맑은 호주이민닷컴


NSW 주정부 임시 일부 직업군 190 비자를 위한 Nomination 발행가능

오늘 오전 이와 같이 NSW 주정부에서 소식이 왔습니다.

내용인 즉, 제한적이긴 하나

일부 health, ICT 그리고 engineering 직업군 신청자이고 현재 NSW 주에 거주하는 사람에 한하여 초대(招待)를 할 수 있음을 시사(示唆)하는 이메일입니다.


현재 유효한 EOI를 가지고 있다면 EOI 는 다시 제출하지 않아도 된다는 이야기도 끝에 있습니다.


————- 아래 오늘 받은 메일 내용 ——————-


From: NSW Government
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 11:39 AM
To: shinsc@optusnet.com.au
Subject: NSW Business and Skilled Migration



NSW Business and Skilled Migration Update


NSW has been provided a limited number of interim nomination places for the 2020–21 financial year.

Because our nomination places are limited, we have made some temporary adjustments to our application process. These adjustments will be reviewed if more nomination places are provided to us later in the financial year.

Business and investor visas

We will nominate potential business and investor applicants by invitation only.

To be considered for NSW nomination for the subclass 188 visa, ensure you have a valid EOI in SkillSelect selecting ‘NSW’ as your preferred state.

Skilled visas

Invitation rounds will commence shortly for subclass 190 visa nomination. In line with Home Affairs’ direction, we will only invite applicants in selected health, ICT and engineering occupations, and who currently reside in NSW.

Please visit our subclass 190 visa website for information about eligibility for NSW nomination.

All on-hand subclass 491 visa applicants will be advised of their outcomes by email shortly.

For all visa subclasses, you do not need to submit a new EOI in SkillSelect if your current EOI is valid. 



NSW Business and Skilled Migration
Skilled migration: