물맑은 호주이민닷컴


[코로나바이러스] JobKeeper payments vs 임시비자소지자

JobKeeper payments는 몇일전 연방정부에서 발표한 내용으로 고용주가 피고용인을 고용하고 있을 때 일인당 1500불 지원하는 정책으로 전례가 없는 전세계 유일무이한 정책. Full-time / Part-time 또는 12개월 이상 일한 케주얼까지 포함하여 3월 1일 날짜까지 피고용주로 등록된 경우 사업장에 피고용주를 고용할 경우 지원하는 정책. 전년대비 한달 매출이 30% 줄었거나 1백만불 이상의 사정장의 경우 전년배디 한달 매출이 50% 감소된 경우 자격이 됨. ATO에 등록하여 피고용주를 의해서 지원금을 받아 지불이 가능함.


그런데 불행히도 이 JobKeeper payments 혜택은 호주시민권자, 호주영주권자 또는 아래와 목록에 들어간 특별 임시비자 소지자까지만 혜택이 ㅠ

COVID-19 Update

The Department has updated the COVID page on its website with a redesigned format. This page contains an extensive amount of information that will assist RMAs in addressing client issues.

The National Cabinet has also announced certain classes of NZ citizens would be eligible for the JobKeeper payments. Eligible visa holders are:

  • Protected Special Category Visa holders
  • Non-protected Special Category Visa holders who have been residing continually in Australia for 10 years or more,
  • Special Category (Subclass 444) Visa holders

There is still no announcement from the National Cabinet on assistance for temporary visa holders whose employment has been impacted or those unable to leave Australia due to the COVID restrictions.


많은 482 / 485 / WHM 비자 등 임시비자소지자분들도 혜택이 주어질 수 있길 바라는 마음이지만 현재까지 고려 대상이 아님 그러나 491 비자와 494 비자는 인정될 것으로 예상됨 (밑에 업데이트해 드림)


Eligible employees (피고용주 중에서 Jobkeeper payment 신청 가능한 경우)

Eligible employees are employees who:

  • are currently employed by the eligible employer (including those stood down or re-hired) (현재 고용된 피고용주 (휴직 또는 재고용된 피고용주 포함)
  • were employed by the employer at 1 March 2020 (2020년 3월 1일 기준으로 고용되어 있었던 피고용주)
  • are full-time, part-time, or long-term casuals (a casual employed on a regular and systemic basis for longer than 12 months as at 1 March 2020) (Full-time, part-time 또는 2020년 3월 1일기준 12개월 또는 그 이상 고용된 캐쥬얼 포함)
  • are a permanent employee of the employer, or if a long-term casual employee, not a permanent employee of any other employer (해당 고용주의 정규직 직원 또는 다른 고용주에 정규직직원이 아닌  캐주얼 직원)
  • are at least 16 years of age at 1 March 2020 (2020년 3월 1일 기준 최소 16세 이어야 함)
  • were an Australian resident as at 1 March 2020 within the meaning of the Social Security Act 1991, which requires that they reside in Australia, and are one of an Australian citizen, the holder of a permanent visa, or a Protected Special Category Visa Holder. More information about these requirements can be found from the Services Australia website under residence descriptions. You can also be an Australian tax resident who is a Special Category (Subclass 444) Visa Holder. Employees who are not permanent residents of Australia must notify you of their visa status to allow you to determine if they are eligible. (영주권자, 시민권자 Protected SCV 비자소지자 그리고 444 비자 소지자 ) (491 그리고 494 비자 소지자는 호주복지혜택을 받는차원에서 호주거주인으로 인정받게 될 것임)
  • are not in receipt of a JobKeeper Payment from another employer (다른 고용주로부터 JobKeeper 혜택을 받지 않고 있는 피고용주)


Subject to the passage of legislation: holders of the following visa subclasses will meet the definition of an Australian resident for social security purposes: (아래 491 / 494 비자의 경우 호주복지차원에서 호주거주인 정의를 만족하게 될 것임

  • subclass 491 – Skilled Work Regional (Provisional)
  • subclass 494 – Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional).


Employees receiving Parental Leave Pay (유급 유가휴가를 받고 있는 직원)

Employees receiving Parental Leave Pay from Services Australia are not eligible for the JobKeeper Payment. However, employees on parental leave from their employer will be eligible. (호주 정부로 부터 유가휴가 혜택을 받고 있을 경우 받을 혜택 없음. 그러나 고용주로부터 유가휴가 급여를 받고 있는 경우는 이 혜택 받을 수 있음)

Employees receiving workers compensation (산재보상금을 받고 있는 직원)
Employees receiving workers compensation will be eligible for the JobKeeper Payment if they are working, for example on reduced hours, but will generally not be eligible if they are not working. (산재보상금을 받고 있는 직원중에 일을 하거나 일하는 시간이 줄여 일하고 있을 경우 혜택유 그러나 일을 하고 있지 않으면 받을 자격 무)
Employees receiving payments from Services Australia (정부의 혜택을 받고 있는 직원)

If you are receiving or have applied for a Services Australia income support payment, like the JobSeeker Payment, and you are now receiving the JobKeeper Payment, you must report that income to Services Australia. You may also need to cancel your JobSeeker Payment. If you do not report the income or cancel your JobSeeker Payment, you may incur a debt that you will be required to pay back. (Jobseeker 혜택을 예를들어 받고 있을 경우 두가지를 동시에 받을 수 없음. 하나는 포기해야 함; 그렇지 않으면 나중에 갚아야 함)

You can withdraw your claim or cancel your payment using your Centrelink online account through myGov or the Express Plus Centrelink app.

Last update: 2020년 4월 15일


아래와 같이 JobKeeper 혜택를 위한 등록방법 및 피고용주 통보 그리고 매달 자료 업데이트 하는 방법 절차 아래 링크 참고할 수 있습니다.

JobKeeper guide – sole traders

You can create a PDF or print this guide using the buttons at the top-right of your screen.

On this page:

Key dates

  • From 20 April: enrol for JobKeeper payment.
  • By 30 April: enrol and pay your employees to claim JobKeeper payments for April.
  • 4 May onwards: identify your employees.
  • Each month: reconfirm eligibility.
  • If you need more time, you have until the end of May to enrol and identify your employees.

How to prepare

  • Check you meet the eligibility requirements, including the turnover test. The turnover calculation is based on GST turnover. This applies even if an entity is not registered for GST.
  • Consider whether you will nominate an eligible business participant.
  • Get a myGov account linked to the ATO online services if you don’t already have one.
  • To use the Business PortalExternal Link you will need a myGovID linked to your ABN in Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM). You can find out how to set this up at ato.gov.au/mygovid.
  • Your registered tax or BAS agent can enrol, identify and declare for JobKeeper on your behalf using Online service for agents.
  • If you find it difficult to interact with us online and don’t use a registered tax or BAS agent, you can call us for assistance.

If you have employees, you need to also complete the following:

  • Check your employees meet the eligibility requirements and for which JobKeeper fortnights. You must pay your eligible employees in each JobKeeper pay period to claim the JobKeeper payment for that period.
  • Re-hire or re-engage employees you let go or stood down as well as pay them if you want to claim the JobKeeper payment for them.
  • Send the JobKeeper employee nomination notice to all your eligible employees to complete and return to you by the end of April if you plan to claim JobKeeper payments for April 2020. Keep it on file and you may also provide a copy to your registered tax or BAS agent if you are using one.
  • You can create your own employee nomination notice if it is not practical to have each employee complete and return the ATO version to you. This will allow you to use your own portal or communication channel to obtain this information.
  • You need to pay each eligible employee at least $1,500 (before tax) per JobKeeper fortnight or a combined payment of $3,000 by the end of April. JobKeeper fortnights start from 30 March.

Step 1: Enrol for the JobKeeper payment

You only need to complete this step once.

  • Log into ATO online services via myGov, or in the Business PortalExternal Link using myGovID.
  • In the Business Portal, Select ‘Manage employees’ then the link for the JobKeeper payment. Fill in the JobKeeper enrolment form by confirming the required fields.


Last update: 2020년 4월 23일

물맑은 호주이민닷컴

이민법무사 (0208335)
