이 내용은 이민법무사 협회중에 한 곳인 Migration Alliance 에 몇일 전에 올라온 내용입니다.
황당하게도 한국인이 한국인 워킹할러데이메이커를 대상으로 스켐 (가짜 서류 만들어서 마치 진짜 일하고 비자를 신청하는 행위를 사업이라고 명하면서)을 공지하는 내용입니다. 그 내용을 아래와 같이 해당 협회 공지한 것을 제가 그대로 이곳에 가지고 와서 공유를 하오니
이민성에서 제가 생각하건데 이미 알고 있고 그 손해는 차후에 다른 비자를 받거나 심지어 이런 방법을 워홀을 받았다면 명백히 신청인의 책임이며 (알고 했기 때문에) 그 책임을 물어 비자가 영주비자라 할지라도 취소되는 최악의 경우가 발생할 수 있습니다.
Migration Alliance has discovered a scam currently taking place in the working holiday visa scheme.
The scam details we have so far:
- For $800, “criminal entrepreneurs” on social media will find a regional company (aka a “farm”). This “farm” perhaps unbeknownst to the farm, will provide payslips to a working holiday visa holder in their first year.
- Real farms are used by the “criminal entrepreneurs” for the visa applicants 1263 forms “Working Holiday Visa Employment Verification Form”. This form states where the working holiday visa holder completed the 88 days of regional work experience.
- “Criminal entrepreneurs” rotate the farm names, and use farms that are less popular so as not to draw attention to themselves. The farm legitimately does employ real workers and they do the right thing by those workers they actually know about.
- The criminal entrepreneurs steal copies of the farm work contracts, pay slips and PAYG summaries, and then replicate these documents for the visa applicants that are not going to the farm (the fakers).
- The “criminal entrepreneurs” create fake work contracts for and on behalf of the first year working holiday visa holder, who needs to pretend they have worked on a farm. We are highly suspicious that the farm is not conspiring with the criminal entrepreneurs and that they in fact may have no idea about these scams.
- The scammers say “don’t even worry if you are working above board in Sydney or another city because if your visa is decided on the papers, immigration will not do any investigation into your bank statements”
- The “criminal entrepreneurs” lodge the visa applications for the working holiday makers, attaching all the fake documents that they need. Then they send them a HAP ID and they go to the doctor by themselves to do their health examinations. A whole host of gmail addresses are used to make these visa lodgements.
- The more sophisticated version of this scam ask the working holiday visa holder to buy a return flight ticket to the rural or regional area so this shows in the bank statement, but they never actually fly there
- The more sophisticated version of this scam provides the working holiday visa holder with instructions to hand-over their physical bank card to a criminal entrepreneur or representative in a major city. Their “wages” are put into the bank account of the working holiday maker as a cash deposit. This is so there is no trace of the source of the income. The bank card is then used by the criminal entrepreneur or their representative in the rural / regional area where the farm is located so that the working holiday maker can evidence that they were using the card in Coles, liquor stores, and other places in the regional area. This is just in case Home Affairs want to check that the working holiday maker was actually there. This service comes as part of an add-on at a cost of $200 which makes it a $1000 total fee for the deluxe-scam package.
- Given that the scammers are in control of the bank accounts and physical cards of the working holiday makers, they even put $5000 in the working holiday maker’s bank account so that they can demonstrate they have sufficient funds for the second working holiday visa.
- The scammers advertise in community language sites and SNS services such as Facebook, KAKAOTalk, Line, WeChat, WhatsApp.
- A working holiday maker is told that they can even clear immigration just because they have an e-passport, by using e-gates. They are told that if they re-enter Australia after the visa is granted, the gates will always open for e-passport holders. They reassure the e-passport holder that they can sneak back into Australia for their second working holiday visa, and avoid having to lie to immigration just by using an an e-gate.
Advertising method:
Criminal entrepreneurs use social media. They advertise the scam on the community language sites and then delete the advertisement approximately a week after upload. They constantly upload new ads, same content, same contact details, but change accounts and usernames. Now they are getting a little more lazy or brazen, and don’t change their phone number or account. Here are the details we have on the scam so far:
Scam phone number: 0401729 539 (ring this number and you will probably have your call tapped)
Scam chat: ID: 2and3 KAKAOTalk (write to this and you will probably get your chat tapped)
Real grant letter (used as bait to lure further visa applicants):

Sample Advertisement (translation of this advert is below):
안녕하세요~워킹홀리데이비자여러분~ 오랫동안호주에서 워킹홀리데이비자분들과함께 비자발급관련일을해오면서 많은분들의비자를도와온베테랑이라자부하며,, 현재또한 세컨비자 또는 써드비자가필요하신분들을위해글을 올립니다. 아래 간단한설명과함께 보다 구체적인상담을 원하시는분은전화를주시길바랍니다. 1.농장을 직접다녀오시지않더라도 비자를발급받으실수있습니다. 저흰농장과 직접계약을함으로써..본인께서 농장일을 하시거나 하신적이없더라도 농장의도움으로 실제농장일을하셨던것과같이. 모든서류를본인의이름으로 진행을하게됩니다. 호주에계신분이나 과거에 호주에워킹으로계셨던분들또한신청가능. 3~4개월정도의시간에맟춰 본인의이름으로 완벽하게스케쥴을만들어서 모든서류를 본인의이름으로발급하여.. 이민성에 확인시켜주는작업을함으로써 굉장히 안전하고확실하다고 말씀드립니다. 실제로 농장일을해서 농장에서발급받는분의서류나 겉으로보여지는부분은 똑같은것이기때문에 다르다고생각하지않으셔도 됩니다. 실제 존재하는 농장공장인지 구글에서찾아보시면 확인가능합니다.실제 저흰 퀄리티가아주좋은농장을통하여 진행을하기때문에. 쉽게말해 한국분들이든 많은사람이 거치지않은농장을통하여,진행되기때문에 매우안전하고 승인룰또한100%라고약속드릴수있습니다. 이민성에서 실제농장으로전화를해서 본인이일한여부에대한,확인유무를 농장주를통하여하게되고 그과정을대비해기록을만들어준비를합니다. *요즘에비자승인받기가힘들다라는 안좋은얘기가많습니다. 저희는 예전이나지금이나 변하지않고 이민성에서요구하는서류를 직접농장을통해본인이름으로발급해드립니다. 작년까지는 구체적으로 서류검사없이 승인을내주는경우도 많았는데요.지금은 승인받기전에 서류검사를 확실하게하고 승인을내주기때문에.. 서류준비가 가능한업체인지 확인하시고진행하시길바랍니다. 전문적으로 일하지않는분들을통해 진행을하시게되면 본인이농장일을하셨던구체적서류를발급받지못하기때문에 주의하셔야합니다. 예를들어 카톡아이디로만연락하시는분들은 일을오래하지않는분들이거나 전문적인분들이 아니기때문에주의를하시는게좋을것같네요.. 왜냐하면 전문적이지않은분들은 농장관련된서류를발급해주지않기때문에그렇습니다. 본인들이 책임지지못하는범위내에서일을하기때문에 도움을주지못하는경우가 많습니다.실제로 메신저아이디를삭제해서연락이안돼어서.. 그런분들통해 신청한신청자분들뒷수습해드렸던경우가여럿있습니다. 전문적이지않은분들을 통해진행해서 피해를받고하소연하는 친구들보면마음이참안타까운데요. 기억해두세요~ 전문적이지못한분들을통해승인받은분들은 자신이어떤농장에서 어떻게일을했는지조차모릅니다.. 기본적인서류인1263폼이라든지 페이슬립,서머리등등 아무것도 서류를주지않는다는거죠. 어떠한경우라도 본인들이 일을하셨던 농장에대한서류를 가지고있으시는게 나중을위해서라도 좋습니다.. *저희는 본인이일한농장에대한서류를 반드시발급해드립니다~! 그래서 저희를통해진행하시게되면 한국을갔다오신다거나 학생비자나 다른비자를바꾸실때 아무문제가안됩니다. 절대로 어떠한문제가생기지않습니다.실제로 본인이농장일을했다라는 증거만가지고계시면 전혀험하지도않고 아무문제없습니다.. 또한 저희농장에 본인들의개개인의농장일을한것에대한 디테일을보관해놓기때문에 어떠한경우라도 안전개런티를해드릴수있습니다. 믿고맡겨주세요.!!지금까지 7년의시간동안 단한번도전화번호 바뀌지않았습니다. 절대 어설픈업체처럼 일처리를제대로못한다거나 본인들에게 어떠한피해도갈일이없도록 모든부분에서도움을드릴것을약속드립니다. *요즘분위기가 부정적인얘기가상당히많이들리곤 합니다. 실제로 일어나지도않은그런헛소문이라든지 과장된얘기들이너무나많이 인터넷이라든지 소셜미디어를통해 마치 실제로자주일어나는양,, 그렇게비춰지는대요..절대그렇지않습니다.너무나 뜬금없는 잘못된정보로 학생분들겁먹게하는 얘기들또한많습니다. 오히려 학생분들생각을 많이 혼란스럽게하는대요.주의를 하시는건좋지만 안좋은얘기들에 무조건반응하는것도 안좋다고생각합니다. 실제로 지금도진행원하시는분들 아무문제없이잘진행되고있습니다.정말위험하거나 승인률이떨어진다면.. 이일을하는 저조차도의미없는일이기에 하지않을것입니다.하지만..본인들이생각하는것만큼절대로 위험하거나그렇지않습니다. 다시한번말씀드리지만.누구를통해진행하느냐가 상당히중요합니다~ 진행을하시기전에 최근 승인나온분들을날짜별로 확인시켜드릴수있습니다~이민성사이트에서쉽게확인가능합니다. 말로만하지않는…진짜실력을보여드리겠습니다~!! 7년의경험을 믿고맡겨주세요..반드시좋은결과있도록보여드리겠습니다. *비자가 끝나갈 무렵,,학생비자를할지 고민하는친구들이많습니다~ 학생비자가 비용적인부분이나출석률관리.또한 풀타임잡을 할수없다는 단점~ 학생비자와 세컨비자~비용부분에서 많게는열배이상차이날수 있습니다~ 이기회를놓치는건 본인에게상당히 손해가될수있습니다. 기회가있을때 사용을하시는것을 추천해드립니다~ *또한여자분들~!농장.공장일상당히힘듭니다~!농장일 만만히보고갔다가 실패하는경우많습니다. 돈이나시간,체력낭비하지마세요~ 나중에후회하는분들많습니다~물론좋은경함이되는건 사실이지만.. 본인들생각대로 되는게쉽지않다는 겁니다.. 보통농장 대기기간도 2~3주걸리고. 날씨의변수또한 많습니다. 농장을가시기전에 충분히 심사숙고하시길바랍니다. *또한 승인나온이후에 한국이나해외에 나갔다오시는것도 전혀문제되지않습니다~ 저희는.. 실제로 본인이 일한농장에대한농장정보등서류를 발급해드립니다~ 페이슬립,1263폼,페이서머리,계약서등등..서류만가지고있어도 절대로절대로.공항입국시문제되지않습니다~ 자신있게 말씀드립니다~!제말을못믿을시 항상수시로 입국하는분들에게 확인할수있도록도옴을드리겠습니다~ 언제라도 최근입국하신분들과 통화나 연락가능합니다.또한 본인개개인의신상기록을 농장에보관해놓기때문에 공항입국시질문을받는다해도 농장에서커버해드립니다. 그러니 절대 문제안된다고다시한번자신있게말씀드립니다~ 또한 가장확실한방법은 전자여권~!! 전자여권을소지하신상태로 입국을하게되면 이민성자체에서심사를하지않습니다~! 아주간단하고 확실한방법입니다.본인한테 질문을할기회조차없다는말이죠..아주마음편한방법입니다.. 다시말씀드리지만..한국갔다오시는부분..정말문제없습니다~ 3. About 텍스잡.과거 은행거래기록 -현재 텍스잡을 하시는분이거나 과거에텍스잡을하셨거나 하실계획이있는분이라하더라도 비자승인받는데 전혀상관이없습니다~ 본인이일하는곳에 텍스를낸기록과 실제농장일을하신날짜가 중복이된다하더라도 비자승인받는부분에서문제가 없습니다~ 왜냐하면 이민성자체에선 본인이텍스낸부분에대한 정보를볼수있는시스템이나 그어떤법적권한이없기때문에가능합니다~ 저희가제출하는서류나 페이슬립을보고판단을합니다. 그렇기때문에 과거에 텍스잡을했거나 ABN으로일을하셨거나 은행거래를 시티에서하셨어도 괜찮습니다~ 그어떤서류도 저흰임의적으로 본인이름으로서류를만들어서 진행을하기에 문제가되지않습니다~ 상세한내용은 글로적기엔 복잡하오니 전화상담시상세하게상담해드리겠습니다. 결과적으로 텍스잡.은행거래.텍스리턴 전혀상관없습니다.! 4.About 신체검사 -신체검사 대상자의여부를확인하세요..한국에서 신체검사를받으신지 (11~12개월사이)지날시,, 접수시 신체검사를 호주내에서의무적으로한번더받으셔야됩니다..신체검사를안받을시엔승인도 빨리나옵니다. 또한 신체검사는비용이 300불이상가량들어가며 예약을하셔야하며 지정된병원에 가셔야합니다. 그러므로 300불가량비용을 낭비하지마시고 신체검사받지않도록 되도록빨리신청을하시길권유합니다. 괜히 돈낭비나시간낭비하실필요가없겠죠..호주가워낙느린나라이므로 신검을받게되면 승인나오는데시간이많이지체될쉬있어요. 5. About 증빙서류 -실제로 농장에서발급된서류제출. -농장에서 실제본인의이름으로서류를발급해드립니다. 이민성비자접수시필요한 기본서류(잔고증명,페이슬립,1263폼,농장계약서,페이서머리,은행거래내역서)를 발급해서 비자접수시 이민성사이트에업로드를바로해드립니다.또한 서류는 개별적으로본인들께이메일로전송해드립니다. 이민성에서 원하는모든서류는저희가전부준비해드리니.서류미비로 비자를거절당할일은절대없을것이며.. 실제농장을통하여 발급받기때문에 매우안전하고확실합니다. 실제농장을다녀온사람보다 더세밀하게준비해드립니다. 증빙서류완벽하게준비해서 농장과같이진행하니 이부분정말걱정안하셔도돼요~! (서류종류: 잔고증명,1263form,페이슬립,페이서머리,농장주 친자필계약서.은행거래내역서,텍스.연금증빙서류 등등) 6.About 비용 -비용은 800불입니다.. 진행방식,과정,상황에따라 조금씩금액은차이가날수있습니다. 자세한사항은 통화시상세히 말씀드리겠습니다~비자가 승인나기전까지는 단1불의수수료도요구하지않습니다. 결제방식은 본인이선택~!하지만 이민성접수비용은 처음에본인이부담하셔야합니다.(490$ 접수비용 별도.이민성 접수비용.) 7.저희는 승인이완료된후에확인후 결제는직접만나서받습니다. 떳떳하게 얼굴을공개함으로써 접수자분들께조금이나마 믿음을드리고싶습니다. 또한 직접만나 결제를받아왔기때문에 혹시라도 저희가누군가에게피해를줬거나 스스로떳떳하지못하다면 만나서결제받긴힘들것입니다. 혹여나저희한테 피해를받으신분이있다면 욕을하고비방해도좋습니다. 정말 어쩔수없이부득이하게 농장을갈수없는워커들을위해 성심성의껏일하겠습니다. 저희는 비지니스를하는사람으로서 신뢰가얼마나중요한지잘압니다. 7년동안비지니스를 한사람으로앞으로도 제비지니스를 유지하고싶은마음은그대로입니다.믿고맡겨주시길부탁드립니다. 그러기위해선 저도최선을다할것을 약속드립니다. 부디 상관없는분들 비방하는글이라던지 욕은자제해주시길부탁합니다..감사합니다. 문의전화>0401 729 539 문의전화>0401 729 539
Translated via Google Translate: (아래 내용은 위의 글을 구글 번역기로 아래와 같은 내용이라고 함)
Hello ~ Working Holiday Visas ~
We have been working with visa holders for working holiday visas in Australia for many years.
We also post for those who need a second or third visa.
If you would like a more detailed consultation with the brief explanation below, please call.
1. You can get a visa even if you don’t come to the farm.
We have a direct contract with the farm. Even if I did or did not do the farm work, I did the actual farm work with the help of the farm.
All documents will be processed in your name.
You can also apply if you are in Australia or have been working in Australia in the past.
Create a complete schedule in your name for 3 ~ 4 months and issue all documents in your name.
I’m very safe and sure by doing this.
In fact, you do not need to think that the documents and the visible parts of the person who is working on the farm are the same, so they are the same.
You can check if it’s a real farm factory on Google, because we actually go through very good quality farms.
In other words, it is very safe and the approval rules are 100% promised because it is carried out through a farm that is not passed by many people.
I will call the actual farm from the Department of Immigration and ask the farmer to check whether I have worked or not, and prepare a record for the process.
* There are a lot of bad stories these days that it is hard to get visa approval.
We will issue immigration documents required by the Department of Immigration under the name of the person.
Until last year, there were many cases of giving approval without checking the documents in detail.
Please check if you can prepare documents and proceed.
If you proceed with those who do not work professionally, you will not be issued the specific documents for which you worked.
For example, those who only contact Katok ID may not be working for a long time or because they are not professional people.
Because non-professionals do not issue farm related documents.
Many people can’t help because they work within their responsibility. Actually, I can’t contact them by deleting the IM.
There are many cases where we have applied for these applications.
It’s a pity to see my friends who are hurting and complaining through unprofessional people. Please remember ~
Approved by non-professionals, they don’t even know how they worked on what farm.
Basic documents such as 1263 form, face slip, summary, etc. do not give anything.
In any case, it’s a good idea to have a document about the farm where you worked.
* We will issue the documents for the farm where we worked ~!
So if you do it through us, there is no problem when you come to Korea or change your student visa or other visa.
You never have any problems. In fact, if you only have proof that you have worked on farms, you will not experience any problems.
We can also provide safety guarantees in any case as we keep details of our individual farm work.
Please trust me !!!! So far, no phone number has changed since 7 years.
I promise to help you in everything you can’t do properly like a flimsy company or to avoid any damage to them.
* There are a lot of negative stories these days.
There are so many rumors and hype that haven’t really happened, whether on the internet or on social media,
There is a lot of talk that frightens students with too much wrong information.
Rather, it confuses the students a lot. I think it’s good to be careful, but not to react unconditionally to bad stories.
Indeed, even if you’re still in progress, it’s going well without any problems.
Even if I do this, I will not do it because it is meaningless, but it is not as dangerous as I think.
Again, it is very important who you act through.
Before proceeding, you can check the latest approved person by date. You can easily check it on the immigration site.
Not just words … I will show you the real skills!
Please trust me with 7 years of experience. I will show you the good results.
* By the end of the visa, there are many friends who are worried about student visa
Student visa is costly, attendance rate management, and full time job
Student visas and second visas can vary by as much as ten times in costs.
Missing this opportunity can be quite damaging to you.
We recommend that you use it when you have a chance.
* Women ~! Farms and factories are very hard ~! There are many cases where people fail to see the farm days. Don’t waste money, time or physical strength ~
There are a lot of people who regret it later ~
It’s not easy to do what you think.
Normal farm waits take two to three weeks. There are also many weather variables.
Please carefully consider before going to the farm.
* It is also no problem to go to Korea or overseas after approval.
We will actually issue documents such as farm information about the farm where I worked.
Payslip, 1263 form, pacer head, contract, etc. Even if you have only documents, you will never have problems when entering the airport.
If you don’t believe me, I will always help you to check in at any time.
You can call or contact the latest arrivals at any time, and also keep your personal records on the farm.
Even if you get a question when you arrive at the airport, the farm will cover you. So let’s say it again with confidence
Also the most obvious way is ePassport ~ !!
If you enter the country with your ePassport, the immigrant will not examine you ~!
It’s a very simple and sure way, there’s no opportunity to ask you questions. It’s a very easy way.
Again, I’m coming to Korea .. really no problem ~
3. About Tex Job, past banking records
-If you are currently doing a text job, or if you have a text job in the past, or have a plan to do it, there is no point in obtaining a visa
Even if there is a duplicate of the tex and the date of the actual farm work where I work, there is no problem in obtaining visa approval.
This is possible because the immigrant itself does not have a system or any legal authority to view information about the text that he or she has texted.
We make decisions based on the papers and pay slips we submit.
That’s why it’s okay if you have done texturing in the past, worked as an ABN, or made a banking transaction in City ~
No other document is a problem for us to proceed with the random creation of my name.
The details are complicated to write down, so we will talk in detail during the telephone consultation.
As a result, the texjob, bank transaction, and text return are irrelevant!
4.About physical examination
-Check whether you have a physical examination .. After the physical examination in Korea (between 11 and 12 months),
Upon receipt of your medical examination you will need to take one more medical examination in Australia.
In addition, physical examinations cost more than $ 300 and require an appointment and visit a designated hospital.
Therefore, we encourage you to apply as soon as possible, so as not to waste $ 300.
You don’t have to waste money or waste time. It’s a slow country in Australia, so when you get a new sword, it takes a lot of time to get approval.
5. About supporting documents
-Submission of documents actually issued by the farm.
-The farm will issue the goods as the real person’s name.
Issuance of basic documents (e.g. balance certificate, face slip, 1263 form, farm contract, pacer, bank statement) required for immigrant visa application
When you apply for a visa, we will upload it directly to the Immigration site. We will also send you an e-mail individually.
We will prepare all the documents you want at the Department of Immigration, so you will never have to refuse your visa due to lack of documents.
As it is issued through a real farm, it is very safe and secure. We will prepare more detailed people than those who have actually been to the farm.
We will prepare the supporting documents and proceed with the farm so you don’t have to worry about this part!
(Documents: balance certificate, 1263form, face slip, pacer head, farmer handwritten contract, bank statement, tex, pension document, etc.)
6.About cost
-The cost is $ 800. The amount may vary depending on the process, process and situation.
For more details, we will tell you in detail at the time of call. No visa fee will be required until the visa is approved.
The payment method is your choice ~! However, the immigration application fee must be paid by you first.
7.We will accept payment after confirmation after the approval is completed.
I would like to give the receptionist some faith by opening up his face.
Also, since we have received payment in person, it would be difficult for us to meet and pay you if we have been harmed by someone or we can’t see it by ourselves.
If you have been victimized by us, you can swear and slander.
I will do my best for the walker who can’t help going to the farm.
We know how important trust is as a business person.
If you want to keep your business as a person for 7 years, that’s the way it is.
To that end, I promise to do my best. If you do not care, please do not slander or swear. Thank you.
Inquiries> 0401 729 539
Inquiries> 0401 729 539
Advice for RMAs:
When applying for student visas (or any other visas) on behalf of clients who have held a second working holiday visa, it is a good idea when filling out the employment section to ask your clients if they really went to the farm. Not just flying there and taking a picture in fluorescent high-viz vests. Did your client actually work at the farm? Ask for the superannuation details. Ask for more than one photo from the 88 days they lived there.
If anyone knows anything more about this scam please email Migration Alliance the details on help@migrationalliance.com.au