물맑은 호주이민닷컴


[종교비자] 종교인직업군 (minister of religion: 272211) 처리시간이 매우 오래 걸리는 듯


이민법무사 협회에 올라온 것을 보니

2017년 5월 19일 관련 내용이 올라와 있고 12월 7일 날짜까지 아무런 업데이트 내용이 없는 것을 봐서 종교인을 위한 457 비자와 ENS 비자 그란트는 매우 어려워진 것 같습니다.  보통 이 비자는 Labour Agreement 라는 절차를 통해 승인이 나야 하는 것인데 현재 아래 포스트 내용을 보면 그란트 되었다는 소식이 현재 (2017년 12월 8일까지)는 없군요.


혹시 이 직업군 (minister of religion (Skill level 1 – ANZSCO 272211)) 로 비자 신청을 준비하려는 분들은 참고하세요.


  1. 19-05-2017 12:16 PM#1

Ministers of religion

One of our solicitors recently lodged a Labour Agreement for a Minister of Religion and yesterday afternoon received this email from the department.

Further to your recent request for a Minister of Religion labour agreement, I wish to advise there is an administrative delay in progressing your request. We are seeking clarification of policy intent, and to avoid the need to potentially void any agreement, we ask for your patience until certain matters are resolved.
This will affect all current Minister of Religion labour agreement requests on hand. We will contact you again when we are able to recommence assessing these requests.

  1. 19-05-2017 01:58 PM#2

Thanks so much for posting this Peter. We are in the process of preparing one of these, so will contact the LA section too. We contacted them a few weeks back to ensure there have been no changes and the answer was no… but by the sounds of it this might have changed.

  1. 27-06-2017 12:10 PM#3

Hi * – just wondering if you have any further information from the Labour Agreements section following on from their email?

  1. 27-06-2017 12:21 PM#4

Not a thing but I will get it chased up and will let you know once I get something.

  1. 19-07-2017 01:37 PM#5

Hi * Sir

Any further news on labour agreement ???

  1. 19-07-2017 01:41 PM


Nothing *.

I have no idea what is going on.Perhaps someone else has news.

  1. 22-07-2017 09:29 AM#7

LA Clarification

I sent an email to LA section looking for clarification – if I get a response I’ll post here

  1. 13-09-2017 02:48 PM


Are there any further news about LA for Ministers of Religion? Has anybody had any experience lately?

  1. 13-09-2017 07:05 PM


Im about to do my first one. Anyone can give me advice on how much to charge for this application?

I am a solicitor and run my own practice.

  1. 06-12-2017 07:28 PM


This thread ended in September. There were a few questions from the members and myself but no answers. I hear that it is no longer possible to get approval for more than one minister. It would be great if the members who dealt recently with LA applications for MoR would share their experiences