물맑은 호주이민닷컴


호주 워킹홀리데이 비자 (417) 나이 상한선 35세미만으로 아직 바뀌지 않음

2017년 7월 1일부터 호주 워킹홀리데이 비자 (417) 나이 상한선 35세미만으로  바뀔 것이라고 했지만 현재시간 2017년 7월 26일 까지 아직 올라갔다고 확정되진 않았음을 알려드립니다.

아직도 Migration (IMMI 17/050: Arrangements for Work and Holiday and Working Holiday Visa Applications) Instrument 2017 (관련 법률문서)를 보면 30세까지 (즉 31세미만)으로 되어 있습니다.


Schedule 4— Working Holiday (Temporary) (Class TZ) and Subclass 417 (Working Holiday) Visa (countries, conditions and age requirements)



Foreign Countries




Maximum Age

1 Belgium Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of Belgium 30
2 Canada Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of Canada 30
3 Denmark Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of Denmark 30
4 Finland Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of Finland 30
5 France Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of France 30
6 Italy Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of Italy 30
7 Norway Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of Norway 30
8 Sweden Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of Sweden 30
9 The Netherlands Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of The Netherlands 30
10 The Republic of Ireland Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of the Republic of Ireland 30
11 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Passport must indicate that the applicant’s nationality is British Citizen or British National (Overseas) 30
12 Estonia Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of Estonia 30
13 Germany Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of Germany 30
14 Japan Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of Japan 30
15 Malta Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of Malta 30
16 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People’s Republic of China Nil 30
17 The Republic of Cyprus Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of the Republic of Cyprus 30
18 The Republic of Korea Passport must indicate that the applicant is a national of the Republic of Korea 30
19 Passports issued by the authorities of Taiwan Passport must not purport to be an official or diplomatic passport 30
  • triple check 알려드립니다만 아직 35세로 상향조정은 안된 것이오니 새로운 법률문서가 나올 때까지는 기다려야 할 것 같습니다.


———————- 아래 내용은 확정되지 않음에 따라 참고하시지 마시길 바랍니다. ———————–


이민법무사들이 참고하는 LegendCOM을 통해 관련 이민법 (migration alw)은 아래와 같이 확인이되었지만

실제 관련 법률문서를 확인하니 아직도 30세로 변경되어 있습니다.
그렇다면 실제 바뀐 것이 아니기에 법률문서 (new instrument) 가 발표될 때까지 기다려야 하겠습니다.

앞으로 더 한국인 젊은이들이 워홀 (Working Holiday Visa)를 받고 호주에 올 수 있는 기회가 주어지길 바라면서…


Last update: 2017년 7월 26일