물맑은 호주이민닷컴


파트너비자의 배우자(spouse) vs 사실혼(De Facto)정의 그리고 만족해야 할 조건들 정리

파트너비자를 신청할 때 간혹 배우자와 사실혼 간의 이해를 잘 못하는 경우가 있어 이번 기회에 정리해 드림.

파트너임시비자 (partner visa)  (820/309) & 파트너영주비자 (801/100)에서 배우자 (spouse)라는 정의는 아래와 같다.


Section 5F    Spouse

(1)  For the purposes of this Act, a person is the spouse of another person (whether of the same sex or a different sex) if, under subsection (2), the 2 persons are in a married relationship.

(2)  For the purposes of subsection (1), persons are in a married relationship if:

(a)  they are married to each other under a marriage that is valid for the purposes of this Act; and

(b)  they have a mutual commitment to a shared life as a married couple to the exclusion of all others; and

(c)  the relationship between them is genuine and continuing; and

(d)  they:

(i)  live together; or

(ii)  do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis.

(3)  The regulations may make provision in relation to the determination of whether one or more of the conditions in paragraphs (2)(a), (b), (c) and (d) exist. The regulations may make different provision in relation to the determination for different purposes whether one or more of those conditions exist.

Note:    Section 12 also affects the determination of whether the condition in paragraph (2)(a) of this section exists. (많은 분들이 질문을 합니다. 결혼하면 1년 조건이 없어지는지에 대해서. 이 서류는 이민법에 정확히 명시되어 있습니다. 위에 명시된 파라그라프 (2)의 (a)조건을 만족하는 정도로 이용될 수 있음을. 나머지 3가지도 또한 만족을 해야 하는 것입니다.


이에 대한 자세한 내용은 법률규정 (regulations)에 잘 명시되어 있으며 특히 세번째 항목의 네가지를 모두 만족할 때 상황이 가장 좋은 파트너비자조건이 되며. 한 두가지 만족을 했다고 배우자 비자 그란트가 되지 않음에 유의해야 하며 그리고 그 항목 항목 하나가 모두 만족 (and 컨디션에 유의) 해야 비자가 그란트되는 것임.


Reg 1.15A    Spouse

(1)  For subsection 5F(3) of the Act, this regulation sets out arrangements for the purpose of determining whether 1 or more of the conditions in paragraphs 5F(2)(a)(b)(c) and (d) of the Act exist.

(2)  If the Minister is considering an application for:

(a)  a Partner (Migrant) (Class BC) visa; or

(b)  a Partner (Provisional) (Class UF) visa; or

(c)  a Partner (Residence) (Class BS) visa; or

(d)  a Partner (Temporary) (Class UK) visa;

the Minister must consider all of the circumstances of the relationship, including the matters set out in subregulation (3).  (위에 언급된 비자 4가지를 위해서 이민성에서는 밑에 3번째 명시된 모든 서브규정을 포함하여 부부관계의 상황을 모두 고려하게 된다. 첨언하면, 임시비자를 받았고 2년 후에 자동으로 영주비자가 되는 것이 아니라 역시나 아래 3번의 서브항목을 모두 증빙할 수 있을 때 영주권을 받을 수 있음에 유의해야 하며 그 안에 새로 태어난 가족, 사망한 가족 또는 두사람의 관계변화 예를들어 별거, 이혼 등이 있을 때 반드시 이민성에 알려야 한다.)

(3)  The matters for subregulation (2) are:

(a)  the financial aspects of the relationship, including:

(i)  any joint ownership of real estate or other major assets; and

(ii)  any joint liabilities; and

(iii)  the extent of any pooling of financial resources, especially in relation to major financial commitments; and

(iv)  whether one person in the relationship owes any legal obligation in respect of the other; and

(v)  the basis of any sharing of day-to-day household expenses; and

(b)  the nature of the household, including:

(i)  any joint responsibility for the care and support of children; and

(ii)  the living arrangements of the persons; and

(iii)  any sharing of the responsibility for housework; and

(c)  the social aspects of the relationship, including:

(i)  whether the persons represent themselves to other people as being married to each other; and

(ii)  the opinion of the persons’ friends and acquaintances about the nature of the relationship; and

(iii)  any basis on which the persons plan and undertake joint social activities; and

(d)   the nature of the persons’ commitment to each other, including:

(i)  the duration of the relationship; and

(ii)  the length of time during which the persons have lived together; and

(iii)  the degree of companionship and emotional support that the persons draw from each other; and

(iv)  whether the persons see the relationship as a long-term one.

(4)  If the Minister is considering an application for a visa of a class other than a class mentioned in subregulation (2), the Minister may consider any of the circumstances mentioned in subregulation (3). (이민성에서 2번 서브항목에 명시된 비자만 고려하는 것이 아니라 모든 비자 클라스를 위한 신청서를 고려할 경우 3번서브항목을 고려할 수 있다)


위에 언급한 것처럼 가족의 상황이 변경된 경우는 스폰서쉽 신청자는 이민성에 변경된 사실을 알려야 할 의무가 있음. (이민법 104조항에 명시되어 있음)


12 Continued relationship eligibility

For 820.221, applicants are required (under s104 of the Act) to notify changes in their circumstances. It follows that applicants are expected to notify, for example, if the relationship ends or the composition of their family unit changes (for example, as a result of birth, death or change in relationship status).

Officers may without further enquiry consider this criterion satisfied provided: (이민성에서는 아래 두가지가 만족될 때 두사람의 관계는 계속 유지하고 있음을 알게 됨)

  • there is no evidence (or notification) to the contrary (for example, the Australian partner has withdrawn the sponsorship) and (호주파트너 즉 스폰서가 스폰서쉽을 철회하지 않았고)
  • no significant time has elapsed since the application was made; otherwise, officers are expected to take reasonable steps to satisfy themselves that there has been no material change in the family’s circumstances. (비자 신청이 된 후 상당한 시간이 흐르지 않았다; 그렇지 않으면 즉 시간이 많이 흘렀다면 가족 상황에 있어 서류 변경이 일어나지 않았음을 만족하기 위한 적절한 단계를밟을 수 있음)

For further information about partner relationship criteria, see section 10 Eligibility as a partner.


사실혼 파트너 (de facto partner) 의 정의는 아래와 같음.


Section 5CB    De facto partner

De facto partners  (사실혼 파트너의 정의)

(1)  For the purposes of this Act, a person is the de facto partner of another person (whether of the same sex or a different sex) if, under subsection (2), the person is in a de facto relationship with the other person.

De facto relationship  (사실은 환계에 있다는 정의) 

(2)  For the purposes of subsection (1), a person is in a de facto relationship with another person if they are not in a married relationship (for the purposes of section 5F) with each other but:  (배우자와 달리 결혼하지 않은 관계 있는 관계 그렇지 만 아래 서브항목을 만족해야 함; 즉 결혼만 하지 않았지 실제 결혼한 사람과 동일한 조건을 만족해야 함)

(a)  they have a mutual commitment to a shared life to the exclusion of all others; and

(b)  the relationship between them is genuine and continuing; and

(c)  they:

(i)  live together; or

(ii)  do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis; and

(d)  they are not related by family (see subsection (4)). (배우자 정의와 한가지 다른 점이 있다면 그 파트너는 가족의 구성원이 절대 아니어야 한다는 점)

(3)  The regulations may make provision in relation to the determination of whether one or more of the conditions in paragraphs (2)(a), (b), (c) and (d) exist. The regulations may make different provision in relation to the determination for different purposes whether one or more of those conditions exist. 

Definition (가족 구성원이 아니어야 하는 법률적 정의)

(4)  For the purposes of paragraph (2)(d), 2 persons are related by family if: 

(a)  one is the child (including an adopted child) of the other; or (부모자식관계)

(b)  one is another descendant of the other (even if the relationship between them is traced through an adoptive parent); or (친인척 관계)

(c)  they have a parent in common (who may be an adoptive parent of either or both of them). (부모가 같은 관계)

For this purpose, disregard whether an adoption is declared void or has ceased to have effect.

자세한 법률규정도 비슷하게 명시되어 있음.

Reg 1.09A    De facto partner and de facto relationship

(1)  For subsection 5CB(3) of the Act, this regulation sets out arrangements for the purpose of determining whether 1 or more of the conditions in paragraphs 5CB(2)(a)(b)(c) and (d) of the Act exist.

Note 1:   See regulation 2.03A for the prescribed criteria applicable to de facto partner.

Note 2:   The effect of subsection 5CB(1) of the Act is that a person is the de facto partner of another person (whether of the same sex or a different sex) if the person is in a de facto relationship with the other person.

Subsection 5CB(2) sets out conditions about whether a de facto relationship exists, and subsection 5CB(3) permits the regulations to make arrangements in relation to the determination of whether 1 or more of those conditions exists.

(2)  If the Minister is considering an application for:

(a)  a Partner (Migrant) (Class BC) visa; or

(b)  a Partner (Provisional) (Class UF) visa; or

(c)  a Partner (Residence) (Class BS) visa; or

(d)  a Partner (Temporary) (Class UK) visa;

the Minister must consider all of the circumstances of the relationship, including the matters set out in subregulation (3).

(3)  The matters for subregulation (2) are: (아래 4가지 항목을 모두 만족해야 함)

(a)  the financial aspects of the relationship, including:

(i)  any joint ownership of real estate or other major assets; and

(ii)  any joint liabilities; and

(iii)  the extent of any pooling of financial resources, especially in relation to major financial commitments; and

(iv)  whether one person in the relationship owes any legal obligation in respect of the other; and

(v)  the basis of any sharing of day-to-day household expenses; and

(b)  the nature of the household, including:

(i)  any joint responsibility for the care and support of children; and

(ii)  the living arrangements of the persons; and

(iii)  any sharing of the responsibility for housework; and

(c)  the social aspects of the relationship, including:

(i)  whether the persons represent themselves to other people as being in a de facto relationship with each other; and

(ii)  the opinion of the persons’ friends and acquaintances about the nature of the relationship; and

(iii)  any basis on which the persons plan and undertake joint social activities; and

(d)  the nature of the persons’ commitment to each other, including:

(i)  the duration of the relationship; and

(ii)  the length of time during which the persons have lived together; and

(iii)  the degree of companionship and emotional support that the persons draw from each other; and

(iv)  whether the persons see the relationship as a long-term one.

(4)  If the Minister is considering an application for a visa of a class other than a class mentioned in subregulation (2), the Minister may consider any of the circumstances mentioned in subregulation (3).

그런데… 때로는 사람이 살다보면 사건들이 있을 수 있습니다.

시간적 측면으로 볼때 반드시 2년 조건을 만족해야 영주비자 (801과 100)단계로 넘어가는데 만에 하나 (그냥 만에 하나라고 가정하는 것뿐임) 혹시라도 사건 사고가 생겨 무슨 일이 호주시민권/영주권자에게 일어난다면?


예외 처리가 있음.

Brea​kdown of the relationship or the death of the sponsor


Unless specific provisions apply, breakdown of the relationship or the death of the sponsor means that the applicant will be unable to meet the time of decision criteria that the applicant has the same sponsor as at time of application.


Specific provisions in Schedule 2 for Partner (100/801), Spouse (100/801) and Interdependency (110/814) cater for applicants who hold the corresponding temporary Partner (309/820), Spouse (309/820) or Interdependency (310/826) visa whose:

  • sponsor has died and
  • the relationship would have continued but for the sponsor’s death. (대신 스폰서의 사망전까지 두사람의 그 관계가 지속적으로 유지되었음을 보여줄 증빙서류가 있어야 함)

In such circumstances applicants are not required to meet the Schedule 2 requirements that they are sponsored by the same person who sponsored them for the temporary visa. Refer to relevant Schedule 2 criteria and the associated PAM3: Sch2Visa instructions.

Schedule 2 criteria for the: (스폰서의 사망으로 인해 아래 비자를 위한 스케줄 2를 만족 못할 경우 예외조건)

  • Partner (801)


visas also require that the applicant has developed close business, cultural or personal ties in Australia. This is because the corresponding temporary (820/826) visa also provides for grant of the temporary visa in the event of the sponsor’s death after the application was lodged, subject to the requirements that the relationship would have continued but for the sponsor’s death and that the applicant has developed close business, cultural or personal ties in Australia. Refer to:

스폰서사망전 신청인이 호주에서 business, cultural or personal ties (이 3가지 항목)에 해당하는 관계를 만들었는가? 즉, 호주에서 사업적측면, 문화적측면 그리고 개인적측면. 구체적인 설명은 아래와 같음.


19.5 Must ha​ve developed close ties

For 820.211(7)(e), policy and procedure on individual factors within this provision are given separately immediately below. However, briefly, the applicant is expected to demonstrate:

  • the existence of ties in Australia of a kind prescribed in 820.211(7)(e) and
  • that the close business, cultural or personal ties in question have developed over time.
Ties must have developed

In assessing whether the applicant has developed close ties, officers should consider the extent to which ties have formed and/or strengthened over time. For example, a tie that existed at time of application cannot reasonably be said to have since ‘developed’ (that is, in effect to have become a closer tie) if the tie has not materially changed.

In assessing this criterion, officers should have regard to the following policy and procedure. However, they should not regard these as exhaustive and should assess claims on a case-by-case basis.

Business ties

In assessing this criterion, officers should take into consideration that, under policy:

  • a business tie may include ownership of property in which the applicant has an ongoing and active interest and
  • an applicant is capable of having developed a business tie in Australia only if:
    • they have business partners or associates who are Australian citizens, permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens or
    • that business operates in Australia or, if claim based on the ownership of property, that property is in Australia.

In assessing whether a business tie is close, officers may consider:

  • the extent and nature of the activities of the business or the extent of the applicant’s active interest/involvement in their property and
  • the extent, if any, to which the refusal of the visa would cause economic hardship to that business/property or to business partners/associates. For example, policy envisages that, if the business ties are indeed ‘close’, refusal of the visa would have a reasonably significant, quantifiable and detrimental economic impact.
Cultural ties

In assessing this criterion, officers should take into consideration that, under policy:

  • ties of a cultural nature are envisaged as (but not limited to) the arts, music, or literature and
  • an applicant is capable of having developed a cultural tie in Australia only if they participate in, or actively contribute to, cultural activities (in Australia).

It follows that, in assessing whether or not those cultural ties in Australia are close, officers should consider the extent (if any) of the applicant’s participation in or contribution to those cultural activities.

Personal ties

In assessing this criterion, officers should take into consideration that, under policy:

  • such ties are envisaged as being family unit members, other close relatives (that is, as defined in regulation 1.03) and/or close friends
  • for such ties to be in Australia, the relevant person(s) must reside in Australia and be an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident and
  • a tie is incapable of being close unless the applicant and the relevant person(s) have regular and ongoing contact.

In assessing whether the tie is close, officers may also have regard to the extent of the tie, taking into consideration:

  • the applicant’s aggregate periods of residence in Australia and their age during those periods. Policy envisages ties that were formed during the applicant’s formative years as more capable of developing into close ties
  • (if the claim is based on the presence of close relatives in Australia) the composition and disposition (in and outside Australia) of all close relatives
  • the degree of support shown for the application by those close relatives and personal friends in Australia and
  • the degree of emotional ties with (and/or dependence on) those relatives and close personal friends in Australia.

3가지 항목을 모두 만족하지 못했다고 하여 820 / 801 비자를 받는데 문제가 있다는 것은 아닙니다. 그러나 그렇다고 아무것도 없어도 된다는 뜻도 물론 아니고요. 다만 우리가 흔히 진짜 부부사이다 라고면 (그것이 결혼을 하고 안하고를 떠나) 이런 세가지 항목을 증빙하는데 있어서 어렵지 않다는 사실입니다. 저도 결혼을 했고 24년째 살아 왔고 결혼 생활이라는 것이 무엇인지 알고 있기 때문에 특별히 법이 이렇게 복잡하지 않아도 되는데 복잡해졌습니다.

그 이유는 과연 뭘까요?

가짜와 진짜를 구별하기 위한 이민성의 부단한 노력(?)이 아닐까요? 이것은 결국 우리 호주 나라와 우리가 사는 공동체의 보호일 수 있습니다. 신청비도 다른 비자와 달리 매우 고가입니다. 혼자신청하는데 현재기준 7,160불입니다. 처리시간도 2년이 넘습니다.  왜 이렇게 비싸고 오랜 시간이 걸릴까요? 인간관계 중에서 가장 복잡한 인간관계 즉 새로운 인간관계를 맺다 (?) 보니 예상치 않은 일들이 벌어지기 때문에 이민성에서도 결국 많은 노동력이 필요하고 복잡한 이해관계를 서류라는 것으로 처리하다보니 검토할 내용도 많을 것입니다. 그냥 자연스럽게 만나 결혼하고 간단한 혼인증명서 하나면 끝나던 때가 있었을 것입니다만 지금은 호랑이 담배피우던 시절이 되어 버렸죠. 당장 대한민국에서도 위장결혼 운운하는 것도 다 어떤 다른 목적이 있으니 그런 것이 아닐런지요. 그럼에 따라 관련 법도 복잡해지고 서류도 복잡해지고 ‘정말 진짜야?’ 라고 묻는 것이 될 것입니다.


말이 길어졌네요. 아무튼 진짜 부부관계는 서류를 준비하는데 복잡하지 않게 됨을 직간접적으로 경험함을 공유해 드립니다.


파트너비자를 신청한 / 신청하실 분들께 참고자료가 되길 바라면서.


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