물맑은 호주이민닷컴


Temporary Graduate Visa임시 졸업 비자 (485) 비자의 모든 것

 485 비자의 신청 조건 비자 유효기간 기타  

Processing time (처리 시간)

Stream 처리된 75% 처리된 90%
Graduate Work 4 months 4 months
Post-Study Work 79 days 4 months

Eligibility (신청 자격)

Supporting evidence must be provided at the time you lodge your application. Requirements for this visa include:

  • you must be younger than 50 years of age (만50세미만)
  • you must hold an eligible visa (학생비자 등 신청 자격 만족하는 비자)
  • you must have included in your application evidence that you have met the English language requirement (영어성적)
  • you must meet the Australian study requirement in the last six months (코스 마치고 6개월 이내)
  • you must meet health and character requirements. (신원조회 만족)
  • you must have health insurance in Australia (사보험)
  • you must meet the specific requirements of the stream in which you are applying for this visa. (신청비자 2가지 스트림 중에 하나 만족)

Eligible visas (신청 자격이 되는 비자)

You could meet this requirement if any of the following applies to you: (다음 중에 하나 소지해야 신청자격이 됨)

  • You hold a student visa, provided you are not (코스를 마치고 나면 호주를 떠나야 한다는 조건이 있고 외무장관 또는 국방장관이 승인한 장학금 또는 트레이닝 프로그램하에 있는 코스나 트레이닝을 한 주신청자 이며 그 비자의 주신청자의 가족 구성이 아니어야 한다)
    • a family member of the main visa holder of this visa subclass
    • the primary applicant who undertook a course/training under a scholarship scheme or training program approved by the Foreign Minister or the Defence Minister on condition that you will leave Australia on the completion of the course.
  • You have held an eligible student visa at any time in the past six months and: (지난 6개월 안에 유효한 학생비자를 가지고 있고 BVA 또는 BVB를 가지고 있거나 또는 다른 유효한 비자를 가지고 있는 경우)
  • You held an eligible student visa that was cancelled, but in the past 28 days the Migration Review Tribunal has notified you of a decision to set aside and substitute the Minister’s decision not to revoke the cancellation. (취소된 학생비자를 가지고 있지만 지난 28일 안에 MRT에서 재고하라고 통지가 주어졌고 이민성장관의 결정이 비자취소를 철회하라는 것을 대체하지 않은 경우)

In addition, you must not: (추가적으로 아래에 해당하지 않아야 함)

  • have had a visa application refused or cancelled since last entering Australia unless you hold a substantive visa (유효한 비자를 가지고 있지 않는 이상 마지막 호주에 입국한 다음에 비자가 거절 또는 취소되지 않았어야 함)
  • have any condition on your current visa that prevents you from applying to stay in Australia, such as ‘No further stay’ conditions (numbers 8503, 8534 or 8535). If you have condition 8503 or 8534 attached to your current visa, you should apply for the Temporary Graduate visa using paper Form 1409(635KB PDF), which includes an application to have the condition waived. (호주에서 비자를 신청하지 못하게 하는 조건이 없는 상태이어야 함. 만약에 있다면 그 조건을 면제 받을 수 있는 상황이 되어야 하고 그런 경우 폼 1409를 이용해야 하여 임시 졸업비자를 신청해야 함)


​English language ability (비자 신청시 영어성적 준비 되어야 )

You can show this if you have either of the following: (신청시점에서 3년 이내의 Overall IELTS 6.0 각 항목 5.0 또는 그 이상의 점수이어야 하며  또는면제 가능한 시민권자 또는 아래 기술된 다른 영어시험을 통한 성적이 준비되어야 있어야 함)

  • You hold a valid passport issued by the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand or the Republic of Ireland and you are a citizen of that country. (면제 가능한 시민권자)
  • You have achieved an overall score of at least 6 with a minimum a score of 5 in each of the four test components (speaking, reading, listening and writing) in an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test that has been undertaken in the three years immediately prior to lodging the visa application.
  • You have achieved a score of at least ‘B’ in each of the four test components of an Occupational English Test (OET) that has been undertaken in the three years immediately prior to lodging the visa application.
  • You have achieved a total score of at least 64 with the following minimum test scores in each of the four test components: 4 for listening, 4 for reading, 14 for writing and 14 for speaking, in a Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-based test (TOEFL iBT) test that has been undertaken in the three years immediately prior to lodging the visa application.
  • You have achieved an overall test score of at least 50 with a minimum score of 36 in each of the four test components (speaking, reading, listening and writing) in a Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic that has been undertaken in the three years immediately prior to lodging the visa application.
  • You have achieved an overall test score of at least 169 with a minimum score of at least 154 in each of the four test components (speaking, reading, listening and writing) in a Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) test that has been undertaken on or after 1 January 2015 and prior to lodging the visa application.

You must have sat the English language test in the three years before you apply, and the results should be lodged with your application. (신청전에 3년이내에 본 시험이어야 하며 결과가 신청할 때 제출되어야 함)

 Australian study requirement (호주 학위 조건)

In the six months before you apply, you must meet the Australian study requirement. (신청전 6개월 이내에 유학 조건을 만족해야 함)

You meet this requirement if you can satisfy us that you have completed one or more degrees, diplomas or trade qualifications for award by an Australian educational institution as a result of a course(s): (다음 조건을 만족할 때 가능함)

  • that is registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
  • for which all instruction was conducted in English
  • that were completed as a result of total of at least two academic years (92 weeks) study
  • that were completed in a total of at least 16 calendar months
  • that have been undertaken while you were in Australia as the holder of a visa authorising you to study.

English language proficiency courses or enabling programs cannot be used to meet the

Australian study requirement. (영어 코스는 해당이 안됨에 유의)

Health (신체검사 통과 되어야 함)

You must meet certain health requirements. The health examinations required depend on your personal circumstances, including your country of citizenship, time spent in another country during the last five years and your intended activities in Australia. The results of your health examinations are generally valid for 12 months. (결과는 12개월 만 유효함)

This applies to you and any members of your family unit included in your application. You can find out whether you need to undergo health examinations, and arrange them where required, by using our My Health Declarations service.

Character requirements – Australian Federal Police (AFP) certificate and overseas police clearance (호주 신원조회 및 타국의 신원조회 만족)

You must:

This also applies to all members of your family unit included in the application who are 16 years of age or older. (신원조회는 신청서에 포함된 16세 이상의 모든 가족에게 적용됨)

Debts to the Australian government (호주정부에 빚이 없어야 함)

You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian Government or have arranged to repay any outstanding debts to the Australian Government before this visa can be granted.

This also applies to all family members listed in your application that intend to accompany you to Australia.

Health Insurance requirements (사보험조건)

You are responsible for all your health costs while you are in Australia. You will not be covered by Australia’s national health scheme (Medicare) unless your country has a reciprocal health care agreement with Australia. (호주의 의료보험에 커버가 안됨에 따라 반드시 개인 사보험을 가입해야 함)

You must have adequate health insurance unless you are covered by Medicare.

If you do not have adequate private health insurance, your visa application could be refused or your visa could be cancelled. Obtaining health insurance does not guarantee that your visa application will be granted. (사보험을 가입하지 않으면 비자 거절될 수 있음)

Specific requirements (구체적인 요구조건)

Graduate Work stream (GW스트림)

Requirements for this visa include: (이 비자의 요구조건은 아래와 같음)

  • you nominate an occupation on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL). (MLTSSL 직업군에 속한 직업군이어야 함)
  • your visa application included evidence that you had applied for a skills assessment for your nominated skilled occupation by a relevant assessing authority (기술심사 신청했음을 증빙하는 문서 제출)
  • your skills have been assessed by a relevant assessing authority as suitable for your nominated skilled occupation (‘suitable skills assessment’) (기술심사 통과 제출)
  • if your skills were assessed on the basis of a qualification obtained in Australia while you held a student visa, the qualification must have been obtained as a result of studying a CRICOS-registered course (기술심사 통과 결과가 호주에서 이수한 코스인 경우는 이 코스가 인정되는 코스이어야 함)
  • you have met the Australian study requirement in the past six months (과거 6개월안에 이수한 호주 유학 조건을 만족해야 함)
  • each degree, diploma or trade qualification used to meet the Australian study requirement is closely related to your nominated skilled occupation. (코스는 기술심사 통과된 직업군과 유사한 코스이어야 함)

For your qualification to be considered to be closely related to your nominated occupation, the skills underpinning the qualification must be directly transferable to that occupation. This applies to both the subject matter and the level of the qualification. For example, if you nominate ‘physiotherapist’ as your occupation, a degree in physiotherapy would meet this requirement, but a degree in commerce would not. (코스가 적접적으로 지명된 직업군에 유사해야 함)

You must nominate an occupation on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL). You can nominate only one occupation and you cannot change that occupation after you apply (지명된 직업군은 반드시 MLTSSL에 있어야 하며 한번에 단 하나만 지명할 수 있고 비자 신청후에 변경이 불가함)


Skill Assessment (기술심사)
It is your responsibility to arrange for the skills assessment. Contact the relevant assessing authority well before you apply for this visa, because each assessing authority has its own assessment procedures, timeframes and charges. (비자 신청전 기술심사는 신청인의 책임하에 선행되어야 함)

Contact details for Assessing Authorities are listed on the department’s website.

A skills assessment is only valid until the expiry date specified on the assessment, or for a period of three years from the assessment’s date of issue.

Post-Study Work stream (PSW 스트림)

Requirements for this visa include: (이 비자 신청 조건)

  • you applied for, and were granted, your first student visa to Australia on or after 5 November 2011 (2011년 11월 5일 또는 그 이후 호주로 오기 위한 첫 학생비자를 신청했거나 또는 그란트 되어야 함)
  • you hold an eligible qualification (유효한 학위를 소지)
  • your qualification was conferred or awarded by an Australian university or non-university education provider that is registered on the Commonwealth Register of Courses and Institutions for Overseas Students (CRICOS) and that provider offers courses at degree level and above (학사학위 또는 그 이상의 학위를 마쳐야 함)
  • your study for the qualification(s) satisfied the Australian study requirement in the past six months. (이수한 코스는 지난 6개월 이내의 호주 유학 조건을 만족할 것)

​* PSW (Post-Study Work) stream 은 기술심사 불필요!

Unlike applicants in the Graduate Work stream, applicants in the Post-Study Work stream are not required to nominate an occupation on the SOL or undertake a skills assessment. However, applicants in the Post-Study Work stream must have recently completed an eligible qualification/s and have added restrictions on the study that can be considered towards meeting the Australian study requirement (regulation 1.15F) and the requirements of 485.231.

The study and qualification requirements described in 485.231(1), (2) and (3) are interrelated. Applicants must satisfy all three requirements using the same qualification(s) and associated study. That is, an applicant cannot use one qualification or period of study to satisfy 485.231(1) and another qualification or period of study to satisfy 485.231(3). 그러나 485 비자 이민법 231의 3가지는 한가지 학위로 반드시 만족해야 함.

About this visa (비자에 대해)

The Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) lets you live, study and work in Australia temporarily after you have finished your studies. Students are only able to access the Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) once as a primary applicant. (485 비자는 공부를 마친 다음에 호주에 임시로 살고, 공부 그리고 일할 수 있게 함. 유학생은 단 주신청자로서 단 한번의 485비자를 신청할 수 있음)

This visa has two streams: (이 비자의 두가지 스트림)

  • Graduate Work stream (18개월 = 1년 6개월 비자 유효기간이 주어짐 단, 반드시 485비자를 신청할 수 있는 직업군이어야 하며 이는 MLTSSL에 속해야 함) If you are applying for a Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485)– Graduate Work Stream, you need to nominate an occupation from the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) of the relevant legislative instrument – see: section 7 of IMMI 17/072: Specification of Occupations and Assessing Authorities.)
  • Post-Study work stream (최소 2년부터 최대 4년까지 아래와 같은 조건에 따라 비자 유효기간이 달라짐)
  • Bachelor: 2 year visa period
    Bachelor with Honours: 2 year visa period
    Masters by Coursework: 2 year visa period
    Masters (extended): 2 year visa period
    Masters by Research: 3 year visa period (석사 연구직 3년)
    Doctorate: 4 year visa period. (박사 4년)

If you are applying as the main applicant, you and anybody else covered by the application must be in Australia when you apply for this visa and when your visa is decided. (주신청자 및 비자신청서에 포함된 모든 사람들은 반드시 호주 내에 있어야 신청되고 호주 내에 있을 때 또한 그란트 된다.)

What you can do (이 비자를 가지고 할 수 있는 것)

This visa allows you and your family to stay in Australia temporarily after you have finished your studies. While in Australia, you can: (임시로 주신청자와 가족이 아래와 같은 일을 할 수 있다)

  • Travel (여행)
  • Work (일)
  • Study (공부)

It is important to note that it is your responsibility to seek your own employment. The Australian government is not responsible for arranging employment.

There are many organisations that provide information to job seekers, including through the Australian government’s JobSearch website. (취업은 스스로 해야 하며 호주 정부가 취업을 알선하지 않는다. 대신 호주인들 처럼 취업알선해 주는 에이전트를 찾아서 일자리를 알아 볼 수 있다)

Cost (비용 1535불)

From AUD 1535 (이 비용은 통보 없이 인상됨)

Note: The Temporary Graduate (Subclass 485) visa is exempt from the ‘Subsequent Temporary Application Charge’.

You might have to pay additional costs for: (아래와 같이 추가 비용이 발생함)

  • Additional applicant 18 and over (18세 이상)
  • Additional applicant under 18 (18세 미만)
  • other costs, such as the costs of health assessments, police certificates, or any other certificates or tests. You are responsible for making the necessary arrangements. (기타비자를 신청하기 위해서 추가 비용 발생 즉, 준비될 기술심사 및 신원조회, 신체검사 및 다른 시험 및 증빙서류를 위해서)

Location (위치)

If you are applying as the main applicant, you and anybody else covered by the application must be in Australia when you apply for this visa and when your visa is decided. (만약 주신청자로서 신청할 경우, 주신청자와 가족이 호주에서 신청이 되어야 하고 그란트 될때도 호주내에 거주하고 있어야 함)

Family members who apply for this visa after the main applicant has been granted the visa may be in or outside Australia when they apply, but must not be in immigration clearance. (주신청자의 비자가 그란트 된 다음에 가족 구성을 위해서 이 비자를 신청할 때는 호주내 또는 외에서 가능함)

How long the visa lasts (비자 기간)

The length of a Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) depends on the stream that you applied in. If your family joins you in Australia on this visa, their visas will be valid while your visa is valid.

Graduate Work stream (그란트 된 날부터 18개월)

This visa is valid for 18 months from the date it is granted.


Post-Study Work stream (2 – 4)

This visa lasts for two to four years, depending on the highest qualification you used to apply for this visa:

  • Bachelor Degree, Bachelor Degree with Honours, Masters by Coursework Degree or Masters (extended) Degree – your visa is valid for two years (2년)
  • Masters by Research Degree– your visa is valid for three years (3년)
  • Doctoral Degree – your visa is valid for four years. (4년)


Including a family member to your application

Requirements (요구조건)

Each member of your family unit who wants to apply for this visa must: (가족 구성원 아래 내용을 만족해야 함)

  • meet Australia’s health and character requirements (신체검사 및 신원조회)
  • have health insurance (사보험소지)
  • sign the Australian Values Statement if they are older than 18 years of age. (18세 이상은 호주가치선언에 사인)

Travel (여행)

If you apply for this visa in Australia, you would be able to get a Bridging visa that allows you to stay in the country lawfully while your application is processed. If you are given a Bridging visa A, you can apply for Bridging visa Bto travel outside Australia while you wait for a decision. (호주에서 신청하면, BVA가 할당됨. 의사결정을 기다리는 동안 호주 밖으로 여행을 해야 하는 경우 BVB를 신청할 수 있음)


The delegate may request evidence of English language proficiency if it was not provided at the time of application.The delegate should use the standard paragraph in ECS template to advise the applicant that if the assessment did not predate the application date, they can withdraw their application as it will not meet requirements for a visa grant. If the evidence, when provided following a request, is dated post the lodgement date the delegate should refuse the application. If evidence is not provided, the delegate should refuse the application. (영어성적결과를 485 비자를 신청할 때 반드시 제출하지 않을 수 있다. 그러나 비자 신청한 날짜보다 선행되어야 하지 비자 신청한 날보다 더 늦은 날짜의 영어 성적은 비자 거절이 됨에 유의 )

Last update: 2018년 10월 16일